Student workbooks for PPA Training CD Rom

Tempest PPA Training Workbooks - Package of 10

Price: $30.00
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Manufactured by Tempest

 Other Items from Smoke Machine Accessories

  Tempest PPA Training Video - Filmed with the assistance of the Salt Lake City Fire Department, "Positive Pressure Attck (PPA)" covers the latest advances in the use of PPV as a fire attack tool. It is a great teaching tool for departments that want to take their PPV operations to the next level.
  Tempest PPV - Training System Complete Kit - One of the first PPV training programs and still one of the best. Featuring six video tapes, 55 color slides, overhead transparencies, instructor’s manual and basic/advanced student workbooks. It is a great way to familiarize your department with the basics of PPV tactics and implementation.
  Tempest PPV - Training System Orientation Manual - Written by John Mittendorf, Batallion Chief (ret.) of the Los Angeles City Fire Department, the Tempest PPV Orientation Manual is a great introduction to Positive Pressure Ventilation and its various applications.
  Tempest PPV - Training System Basic Workbook - Ensure that every student in your class gets the most out of their PPV training. The Basic Workbook is a great tool to get your trainees started in PPV.
  Tempest PPV - Training System Advanced Workbook - Ensure that every student in your class gets the most out of their PPV training. The Advanced Workbook is a great tool for students who have already taken the Basic Course.
  Tempest PPV - Training System Basic/Advanced Workbook Set - Three basic and three advanced workbooks for additional students in your class.
  Tempest PPA Training Package - Complete Kit - PPA: Positive Pressure Attack is an auto-run Power Point program based on the popular training classes given by Battalion Chief Kriss Garcia and Battalion Chief Reinhard Kauffmann of the Salt Lake City, Utah fire department. Kit includes auto-run CD, PPV Video and 10 student workbooks.
  Tempest PPA Training CD - The program features instructional voice-overs, live-fire video, and a thorough presentation of PPV concepts and principles - all from one source!
  Tempest PPA Training Workbooks - Package of 10 - Student workbooks for PPA Training CD Rom
  TELE-MAX's Standard Fluid (4) 1 gallon bottles - Smoke fluid is stocked in two formulas: TELE-MAX, which is our standard mix, and TELE-PRO, which has an extended hang time of 2 or 3 times that of the standard mix. Smoke fluid is available in 1-gallon containers (packaged in cases of four) or in 5-, 20- and 55-gallon containers to meet all your training requiremnets and consumption needs.
  Roscoe Smoke Fluid for Tempest Smoke Machines (4-4Liter per case) - 


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