Other Items from Portable Floodlights
TELE-LITE's 500w, 110v Quartz Halogen Portable Light - Lightweight, compact portable floodlights are easy to transport, store, and quick to set up. Instant quartz halogen illumination.
TELE-LITE's 500w, 110v Quartz Halogen Portable Light - Lightweight, compact portable floodlights are easy to transport, store, and quick to set up. Instant quartz halogen illumination.
TELE-LITE's 1000w, 110v or 220v Quartz Halogen Portable Light - Lightweight, compact portable floodlights are easy to transport, store, and quick to set up. Instant quartz halogen illumination.
TELE-LITE's 1500w, 110v or 220v Quartz Halogen Portable Light - Lightweight, compact portable floodlights are easy to transport, store, and quick to set up. Instant quartz halogen illumination.
TELE-LITE's 1000w, 110v or 220v Quartz Halogen Portable Light - Lightweight, compact portable floodlights are easy to transport, store, and quick to set up. Instant quartz halogen illumination.
TELE-LITE's 1500w, 110v or 220v Quartz Halogen Portable Light - Lightweight, compact portable floodlights are easy to transport, store, and quick to set up. Instant quartz halogen illumination.
TELE-LITE's Bracket set for deck or wall storage - PB-103 for deck and wall storage. PB-104 for overhead storage.
TELE-LITE's Bracket set for overhead storage. - PB-103 for deck and wall storage. PB-104 for overhead storage.
TELE-LITE's Ladder/Door Bracket - Portable Ladder/Door bracket. Allows you to mount the light to either a door or a ladder.
TELE-LITE's Portable Floodlight Runners - Portable Floodlight Runners - adapts portable fixture to tripod. Use with Portable Floodlight Model P-5.