Every job makes a different set of demands on the body. Today the issue of how this impacts employees, and what can be done to reduce or eliminate adverse effects is receiving a lot of attention. While there is much debate about many aspects of ergonomics, everyone agrees on one thing... that is by using proper ergonomic techniques, employees can be safer and more productive as well as feel better at the end of the day.
FIRESAFETYPLUS.COM's training products on "Office Ergonomics" address how to recognize ergonomic problems, the potential of adverse effects and practical solutions employees themselves can use to help deal with ergonomic problems in the office. Topics covered in the products include:
- Physiology of the body.
- Parts of the body most affected.
- Eye strain.
- Pragmatic preventative measures.
- Correct use of office equipment.
- Exercises and stress release.
- and more.
FIRESAFETYPLUS.COM's video programs provide all the information that is needed for a comprehensive employee training session. Programs come with an easy-to-use leader's guide, scheduling and attendance forms, employee quiz and training certificate.
DVDs are subtitled and allow the course to be played from beginning to end or by section, and are indexed so that sections can be accessed in any order.
FIRESAFETYPLUS.COM's Safety Meeting Kits provide all of the materials needed to promote and conduct a safety meeting. Each Kit contains a video program, 5 posters and 30 booklets.
Video kits come with an easy-to-use leader's guide, scheduling and attendance forms, and an employee quiz.
DVD kits come with an easy-to-use leader's guide, scheduling and attendance forms, and an employee quiz.
Available in English and Spanish
Runtime: 21 minutes