Most employees take "healthy eyes" for granted. But our eyes are really very fragile, and statistics show that eye injuries occur frequently in the workplace.
FIRESAFETYPLUS.COM's training products on "Eye Safety" show how many eye problems are caused by not paying attention to the work employees are doing, or not wearing the appropriate protective equipment. They remind employees that eye injuries can easily happen to them and show them how to prevent these injuries. Topics covered in these products include:
- Physiology of the eye and how it functions.
- Common eye injuries and how they are caused.
- Short and long-term effects of eye injuries.
- Eye care and safety practices.
- Selecting and using appropriate personal protective equipment.
- and more.
FIRESAFETYPLUS.COM's video programs provide all the information that is needed for a comprehensive employee training session. Programs come with an easy-to-use leader's guide, scheduling and attendance forms, employee quiz and training certificate.
DVDs are subtitled and allow the course to be played from beginning to end or by section, and are indexed so that sections can be accessed in any order.
FIRESAFETYPLUS.COM's Safety Meeting Kits provide all of the materials needed to promote and conduct a safety meeting. Each Kit contains a video program, 5 posters and 30 booklets.
Video kits come with an easy-to-use leader's guide, scheduling and attendance forms, and an employee quiz.
DVD kits come with an easy-to-use leader's guide, scheduling and attendance forms, and an employee quiz.
Available in English and Spanish
Runtime: 13 minutes