The energy possessed by a compressed gas cylinder can make it a virtual "missile" if it is not handled with the utmost care. And a leaking cylinder or fitting can lead to asphyxiation, a fire or even an explosion. Since compressed gas cylinders are frequently used in many laboratories, employees need to be familiar with the precautions that should be taken when dealing with them.
FIRESAFETYPLUS.COM's training products on "Handling Compressed Gas Cylinders in the Laboratory" examine how gas cylinders "work", the hazards that are associated with them and the need for caution when using or storing a cylinder. Topics covered in these products include:
- The four ways to compress gases.
- Hazards associated with compressed gases.
- Proper storage procedures.
- Marking and labeling.
- Handling cylinders safely.
- Connections and fittings.
- Leak detection.
- and more.
FIRESAFETYPLUS.COM's video programs provide all the information that is needed for a comprehensive employee training session. Programs come with an easy-to-use leader's guide, scheduling and attendance forms, employee quiz and training certificate.
FIRESAFETYPLUS.COM's DVD programs provide all the information that is needed for a comprehensive employee training session. Programs come with an easy-to-use leader's guide, scheduling and attendance forms, employee quiz and training certificate.
DVDs are subtitled and allow the course to be played from beginning to end or by section, and are indexed so that sections can be accessed in any order.
Available in English
Runtime: 13 minutes