Heavy Duty McLeod Tool w/Fiberglass Handle

Heavy Duty McLeod Tool w/Fiberglass Handle

The McLeod Tool is primarily used in the Forestry Service. It features a 3/16" plate steel head that has been cut to form deep teeth. The handle is our standard heavy duty tubing with a 1.25" OD and 0.9"ID for maximum strength to weight. The head is attached to the fiberglass handle with two (2) spring pins to allow for field replacement. The back edge is sharpened at an angle that results in a durable edge. It is an excellent tool for clearing undergrowth, leaves and debris. The head can be rotated to expose the sharpened edge for light chopping and cutting. (This tool is also excellent in the garden.)

Price: $69.00
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Manufactured by Flamefighter Corporation

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