Heavy duty restaurant fryer for high production cooking with 35-50 lb capacity.

American Range Propane Fryer

American Range- Propane Fryer-35-50 lb capacity

Heavy duty restaurant fryer for high production cooking with 35-50 lb capacity. Fryer vessel tank: All stainless Steel high quality construction, 16 gauge. Exterior: All Stainless Steel front, sides, door and basket hanger/flue riser. S/S Door: Durable double layer access door Basket Hanger: Removable basket hanger accommodates two fryer baskets 6'' high chrome plated adjustable legs standard tube fire heating design; oil rapidly heats to the set temperature due to the extra heat transfer area around the tubes. Superior to open pot design on other fryers; built forward sloping fry vessel, tig welded AGA/CGA design certified and NSF listed. 120,000 BTU.

Price: $3,845.00
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Manufactured by American Range

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